Exit la démocratie, bienvenue dans l’autoritarisme : contrôle de l’État, maintien de l’ordre et surveillance dans les universités grecques - 23 mars 2021
Academia a pris l’habitude d’assurer une veille sur les libertés académiques dans le monde, cet ailleurs qui ne ressemble guère à notre expérience française. Du moins, qui ne rassemblait guère.
L’article d’Eleni Dimou qui explicite les enjeux sur la loi sur les universités votée en Grèce le 11 février 2021 résonne bien (...)
Exiting democracy, entering authoritarianism : state control, policing and surveillance in Greek universities - 15 mars 2021
A bill regarding the “safety” and policing of Greek universities, among other issues, was voted on the 11th of February 2021, by 166 MPs from New Democracy, the right-wing ruling party, and Greek Solution, a far-right party, despite the unanimous opposition of left-wing parties (132 MPs), the Greek academic and (...)
Vaccinés, vos papiers ! - 2 mars 2021
Lentement mais sûrement, l’idée d’un passeport vaccinal en France fait son chemin. Certains pays comme Israël avancent franchement sur ce point et l’ont déjà validé concernant les transports aériens vers des pays le mettant également en place (Chypre et la Grèce), appuyés en cela par le taux de leur population déjà vaccinée (...)
La technopolice aux frontières - 22 février 2021
Comment le business de la sécurité et de la surveillance au sein de l’Union européenne, en plus de bafouer des droits fondamentaux, utilise les personnes exilées comme laboratoire de recherche, et ce sur des fonds publics européens.
On a beaucoup parlé ici ces derniers mois de surveillance des manifestations ou de (...)
EU’s proposed screening rules for migrants are based on "failed and violent" Greek law - 30 janvier 2021
The EU’s proposed ’Screening Regulation’, published as part of the Pact on Migration and Asylum, foresees "pre-entry screening that should be applicable to all third-country nationals who are present at the external border without fulfilling the entry conditions or after disembarkation, following a search and rescue (...)
Flush with EU funds, Greek police to introduce live face recognition before the summer - 29 janvier 2021
Greek police are due to receive gear that allows for real-time face recognition during police patrols. Despite concerns that the system could seriously affect civil liberties, details about the project are scarce.
By the summer of 2021, the Greek police should receive thousands of devices allowing for live facial (...)
How the Pandemic Turned Refugees Into ‘Guinea Pigs’ for Surveillance Tech - 21 janvier 2021
An interview with Dr. Petra Molnar, who spent 2020 investigating the use of drones, facial recognition, and lidar on refugees
The coronavirus pandemic unleashed a new era in surveillance technology, and arguably no group has felt this more acutely than refugees. Even before the pandemic, refugees were subjected (...)
Homo Digitalis - 12 novembre 2020
The use of the Internet constitutes an important part of everyday life in the contemporary era. The digital world has become part of our reality and influences our way of thinking, our choices and our acts. It reforms our society as a whole, but also the human existence in itself, by creating a new, digital (...)
UN warns of impact of smart borders on refugees : ‘Data collection isn’t apolitical’ - 12 novembre 2020
Special rapporteur on racism and xenophobia believes there is a misconception that biosurveillance technology is without bias
Robotic lie detector tests at European airports, eye scans for refugees and voice-imprinting software for use in asylum applications are among new technologies flagged as “troubling” in a (...)
Automating Society Report 2020 - 30 octobre 2020
Life in the automated society : How automated decision-making systems became mainstream, and what to do about it
On a cloudy August day in London, students were angry. They flocked to Parliament Square by the hundreds, in protest – their placards emblazoned with support for unusual allies : their teachers, and an (...)
Les gouvernements des États membres de l'UE utilisent la crise sanitaire pour restreindre les libertés - Le rapport de Liberties et Greenpeace - 26 septembre 2020
Des restrictions sur le droit de manifester, la liberté d’expression , le droit d’accès à l’information et la liberté d’association. Voilà comment les gouvernements des pays de l’UE font un usage politique de la pandémie. Les détails dans notre rapport.
Afin de protéger la santé publique, les gouvernements ont adopté des (...)
ADM Systems in the COVID-19 Pandemic : A European Perspective - 1er septembre 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred the deployment of a plethora of automated decision-making (ADM) systems all over Europe. High hopes have been placed by both local administrations and national governments in applications and devices aimed at containing the outbreak of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (...)
Face matching and digital avatars coming to the EU’s borders - 30 mai 2020
Across Europe, leaders have been desperately seeking new ways to secure borders. Concerns over migration have contributed to the evolution of new forms of authoritarian technology
On the outskirts of Vienna, staff at the Austrian Institute of Technology are working on a project that could radically change border (...)
Opinion | Surveillance Won’t Stop the Coronavirus - The New York Times - 17 avril 2020
Access to adequate health care, including protective equipment and sufficient testing, will do more good than another hackathon.
In the Moria refugee camp in Greece, one tap is shared among 1,300 people. Social distancing is difficult to do. Refugee communities from Kenya to Bangladesh, Lebanon and Syria are (...)
Les leçons du virus - Mediapart - 16 avril 2020
Face aux épidémies, quelles sont les vies que nous voulons sauver ? Covid-19, sida, syphilis : chaque société peut se définir par les pathologies virales qui la menacent et la façon dont elle s’organise face à elles. Premier volet d’un texte du philosophe Paul B. Preciado, dans notre série consacrée au monde d’après la (...)
Le drone, renfort utile mais controversé pour faire respecter le confinement - 27 mars 2020
L’utilisation de ces engins volants pour surveiller et sécuriser certaines zones des territoires confinés pose des questions sur la protection de la vie privée.
En période de confinement, les drones sont de sortie. En quelques jours, ces caméras volantes pilotées à distance se sont imposées comme des auxiliaires (...)
How the CIA used Crypto AG encryption devices to spy on countries for decades - 11 février 2020
For decades, the CIA read the encrypted communications of allies and adversaries.
For more than half a century, governments all over the world trusted a single company to keep the communications of their spies, soldiers and diplomats secret.
The company, Crypto AG, got its first break with a contract to build (...)
Clearview conseille de faire n’importe quoi avec son logiciel de reconnaissance faciale - Cyberguerre - 8 février 2020
Tout va bien : la startup de reconnaissance faciale Clearview incite à un usage abusif de sa technologie, et veut conquérir de nouveaux clients dans des pays condamnés pour violation des droits de l’homme.
Plus on en sait sur Clearview, plus ses pratiques de vente et d’utilisation apparaissent dépourvues de tout cadre (...)
At least 10 police forces use face recognition in the EU, AlgorithmWatch reveals - 15 décembre 2019
The majority of the police forces that answered questions by AlgorithmWatch said they use or plan to introduce face recognition. Use cases vary greatly across countries, but almost all have in common their lack of transparency.
Police departments have long attempted to acquire, structure and store data on the (...)
FOLDOUT Through Foliage Detection of Illegal Cross-Border Activities - 11 décembre 2019
FOLDOUT focus is on through foliage detection in the inner and outermost regions of the EU. Foliage penetration is an unsolved important part of border surveillance. By solving the problem of unreliable detections in such harsh environments border guards’ workloads are reduced, costs are reduced and, last but not (...)