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New report highlights the risks of AI on fundamental rights - 20 décembre 2020
The European watchdog for fundamental rights published a report on Artificial Intelligence. AlgorithmWatch welcomes some of the recommendations, and encourages a bolder approach. The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), which supports European institutions and members states on related issues, (...)

Ahead by a nose : Covid sniffing dogs prevent surveillance overreach - 10 novembre 2020
A UK security company says it’s ditching some surveillance tech in favor of specially-trained dogs who can detect the coronavirus A British security agency says it is giving up on high-tech solutions to the pandemic in favor of Covid-19 detecting sniffer dogs — because they are a “softer touch.” Already deployed at (...)

Automating Society Report 2020 - 30 octobre 2020
Life in the automated society : How automated decision-making systems became mainstream, and what to do about it On a cloudy August day in London, students were angry. They flocked to Parliament Square by the hundreds, in protest – their placards emblazoned with support for unusual allies : their teachers, and an (...)

Hacker seeks to extort Finnish mental health patients after data breach - 28 octobre 2020
Tens of thousands of patients concerned by massive hack. A hacker is trying to blackmail tens of thousands of Finnish patients after gaining access to their medical records from therapy sessions, in what experts and the country’s top politicians called a "shocking" cyberattack. Police said on Saturday that a (...)

La Finlande secouée par le piratage de milliers de dossiers de patients en psychothérapie - 28 octobre 2020
Des milliers de plaintes ont été déposées, les pirates ayant tenté de faire chanter des dizaines de patients. Le gouvernement a été réuni en urgence. Les standards des centres de psychothérapie qui surchauffent, des patients anxieux, des milliers de plaintes et des réunions de crise au sommet de l’Etat : depuis quelques (...)

Amsterdam and Helsinki become first cities to launch open AI registers - 12 octobre 2020
The registers could make the AI used in public services more transparent Amsterdam and Helsinki today became the first cities in the world to launch open AI registers that track how algorithms are being used in the municipalities. In a press release, the cities said the registers would help ensure that the AI (...)

ADM Systems in the COVID-19 Pandemic : A European Perspective - 1er septembre 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred the deployment of a plethora of automated decision-making (ADM) systems all over Europe. High hopes have been placed by both local administrations and national governments in applications and devices aimed at containing the outbreak of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (...)

The original Big Tech is working closer than ever with governments to combat coronavirus – with no scrutiny - 10 août 2020
Telecom companies are at the core of the world’s communication universe. Since the coronavirus pandemic, they’ve been passing even more sensitive data to governments. It’s time they were held as accountable as Google and Facebook. The texts can arrive at any time. Recipients are told they’ve been exposed to the (...)

Facial recognition developed by Clearview AI likely illegal in Europe - 20 juin 2020
The European Data Protection Board warned on Wednesday that Clearview AI’s technology is likely to be illegal in Europe. The warning comes after Amazon and IBM scaled back their facial recognition products. Facial recognition technology developed by U.S. firm Clearview AI could be illegal in Europe, according to (...)

Face matching and digital avatars coming to the EU’s borders - 30 mai 2020
Across Europe, leaders have been desperately seeking new ways to secure borders. Concerns over migration have contributed to the evolution of new forms of authoritarian technology On the outskirts of Vienna, staff at the Austrian Institute of Technology are working on a project that could radically change border (...)

A flood of coronavirus apps are tracking us. Now it’s time to keep track of them. - 7 mai 2020
There’s a deluge of apps that detect your covid-19 exposure, often with little transparency. Our Covid Tracing Tracker project will document them. As the covid-19 pandemic rages, technologists everywhere have been rushing to build apps, services, and systems for contact tracing : identifying and notifying all (...)

COVID-19 Digital Rights Tracker - 3 mai 2020
This live tracker documents new measures introduced in response to COVID-19 that pose a risk to digital rights around the world. In response to the outbreak of COVID-19 : Contact Tracing Apps are being used in 29 countries Alternative digital tracking measures are active in 30 countries Physical surveillance (...)

Les démocraties européennes à l’épreuve d’une crise sanitaire hors norme - 30 mars 2020
Confrontés à la nécessité de gérer une situation inédite en temps de paix, les gouvernements promulguent des mesures liberticides qui inquiètent. Partout en Europe, devenue en quelques semaines l’épicentre de la pandémie de Covid-19, les restrictions se multiplient. Interdiction de rassemblement, circulation soumise à (...)

Can I move my data to the EU before Google shifts it to the US ? | Technology | The Guardian - 29 février 2020
Post-Brexit, Sean wants to keep his data protected by the EU’s GDPR rather than laxer US privacy laws Given Google’s recent announcement about moving UK users’ data to US jurisdiction, what’s the best way to migrate to EU-based services ? Can you download+upload or crossload your Gmail to another service ? And are we (...)

Big data et recherche : de l’individuel au collectif | LINC - 3 février 2020
L’essor des nouvelles technologies numériques transforme la recherche biomédicale en lui permettant d’avoir accès et de traiter une quantité de données à une échelle sans précédent. Cependant, les méthodes d’implication des participants peinent à suivre cette évolution des capacités en recherche. La réflexion sur les données (...)

At least 10 police forces use face recognition in the EU, AlgorithmWatch reveals - 15 décembre 2019
The majority of the police forces that answered questions by AlgorithmWatch said they use or plan to introduce face recognition. Use cases vary greatly across countries, but almost all have in common their lack of transparency. Police departments have long attempted to acquire, structure and store data on the (...)

FOLDOUT Through Foliage Detection of Illegal Cross-Border Activities - 11 décembre 2019
FOLDOUT focus is on through foliage detection in the inner and outermost regions of the EU. Foliage penetration is an unsolved important part of border surveillance. By solving the problem of unreliable detections in such harsh environments border guards’ workloads are reduced, costs are reduced and, last but not (...)

Copyright : la dernière bataille de l’Internet gratuit - 26 août 2019
« Désastre » pour les uns, « victoire » pour les autres : la directive sur les droits d’auteur divise les acteurs de l’industrie culturelle et ceux du numérique. Mais tous s’accordent sur le fait qu’elle change le visage du Web, dont la gratuité des contenus est un des fondements. L’Internet gratuit vit peut-être ses (...)

La grève transnationale sera le genre humain - 6 août 2019
La décision de la plateforme de livraison Deliveroo de supprimer le tarif minimum pour une course a réveillé un mouvement de colère qui grondait déjà . Comme d’autres travailleurs de la nouvelle économie et les salariés de McDo avant eux, les livreurs réinventent les mobilisations collectives. En plein cœur de l’été, les (...)

Inmates in Finland are training AI as part of prison labor - 30 mars 2019
Prison labor" is usually associated with physical work, but inmates at two prisons in Finland are doing a new type of labor : classifying data to train artificial intelligence algorithms for a startup. Though the startup in question, Vainu, sees the partnership as a kind of prison reform that teaches valuable (...)