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RSF dévoile la liste 20/2020 des Prédateurs numériques de la liberté de la presse | RSF - 11 mars 2020
A l’occasion de la Journée mondiale de lutte contre la cybercensure, le 12 mars, Reporters sans frontières (RSF) dévoile une liste de 20 Prédateurs numériques de la liberté de la presse en 2020. En traquant les journalistes, ces entreprises, organismes et administrations mettent en péril notre capacité à nous informer. (...)

Litigation and Other Formal Complaints Concerning Targeted Digital Surveillance and the Digital Surveillance Industry - 12 décembre 2018
This is a living resource document providing links and descriptions to litigation and other formal complaints concerning digital surveillance and the digital surveillance industry. If you have additional resources to add to this document, please send to Siena Anstis : siena [at] citizen lab [dot] ca. This document (...)

Union européenne. Des États font pression pour obtenir un assouplissement des règles sur l’exportation d’équipements de surveillance vers des pays portant atteinte aux droits humains - 12 juin 2018
Neuf États membres de l’Union européenne (UE) tentent de bloquer les mesures visant à limiter les exportations d’équipements de surveillance vers les régimes répressifs, cette initiative rétrograde représentant une menace pour les droits humains à travers le monde, ont déclaré le 11 juin Access Now, Amnesty International, (...)

A brief history of governments hacking human rights organizations - 12 janvier 2016
We always knew that governments and military forces spied on each other. But over the last five years or more, we’ve seen them spying on NGOs, journalists and human rights workers, too. The world first became aware of states hacking "civilian" targets in 2010, when Google revealed it had detected an intrusion by (...)

Ugandan government deployed FinFisher spyware to ’crush’ opposition, track elected officials and media in secret operation during post-election protests, documents reveal - 16 octobre 2015
Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni directed intelligence and police officials to use a powerful, invasive malware to spy on domestic political opponents "“ including parliamentarians, activists and media houses "“ following the 2011 presidential election, during a period of urban unrest and police violence, according (...)

Surveillance : le spyware FinFisher détecté dans 32 pays - 16 octobre 2015
Malgré les mesures prises pour en dissimuler l’existence, le Citizen Lab a réussi à remonter à nouveau la trace du spyware FinFisher vendu aux autorités policières de nombreux états dans le monde, y compris dans des pays autoritaires. Le business de l’espionnage des communications électroniques fonctionne toujours très (...)

Hacking Team hacked : firm sold spying tools to repressive regimes, documents claim - 6 juillet 2015
The cybersecurity firm Hacking Team appears to have itself been the victim of a hack, with documents that purport to show it sold software to repressive regimes being posted to the company’s own Twitter feed. The Italy-based company offers security services to law enforcement and national security organisations. (...)

A Spy in the Machine - 21 janvier 2015
How a brutal government used cutting-edge spyware to hijack one activist’s life In November 2005, during the dead of night, five black cars pulled up in front of the home of Moosa Abd-Ali Ali. The doors opened, and a group of men stepped out. They could’ve been officers, or maybe they were just hired muscle "” such (...)

Un programme pour savoir si votre ordinateur est espionné - 20 novembre 2014
Imaginez que vous n’êtes jamais seul. Que quelqu’un vous regarde par-dessus votre épaule, enregistre tous les mouvements sur votre ordinateur ; lit et écoute toutes vos conversations sur skype, utilise le microphone et la caméra de votre téléphone portable. Tout cela à votre insu. C’est ce qui arrive à des milliers de (...)

Spyware exports will need a licence under new EU rules - 6 novembre 2014
"˜Intrusion software’ joins nuclear reactors and rocket fuel on the EU’s list of technologies that may have military applications Companies which make spyware will have to apply for permission to export the software once new EU regulations come into effect in late December. Officially referred to as "intrusion (...)

How Bahrain spies on British soil - 5 novembre 2014
The Bahraini government has been using sophisticated malware"”complete with technical support from its manufacturer"”to remotely conduct surveillance operations on its political dissidents living in the UK. In 2012, Citizen Lab, a think-tank operating out of the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of (...)

Secret Manuals Show the Spyware Sold to Despots and Cops Worldwide - 2 novembre 2014
When Apple and Google unveiled new encryption schemes last month, law enforcement officials complained that they wouldn’t be able to unlock evidence on criminals’ digital devices. What they didn’t say is that there are already methods to bypass encryption, thanks to off-the-shelf digital implants readily available to (...)

Bahraini government, with help from FinFisher, tracks activists living in UK - 15 octobre 2014
Jaafar Al Hasabi, Mohammed Moosa Abd-Ali Ali, and Saeed Al-Shehabi each fled Bahrain for the United Kingdom with one goal : to be safe. These men, activists in the pro-democracy movement in Bahrain, were variously subject to torture, arbitrary detention, harassment, and psychological trauma in their home country. (...)

UK police to investigate alleged Bahraini hacking of exiles’ computers - 13 octobre 2014
Rights group Privacy International files complaint that officials illegally monitored devices of pro-democracy trio in UK The police National Cyber Crime Unit has been asked to investigate claims that computers and mobile phones used by exiled Bahraini pro-democracy activists living in the UK are under illegal (...)

SpyFiles 4 - 17 septembre 2014
Today, 15 September 2014, WikiLeaks releases previously unseen copies of weaponised German surveillance malware used by intelligence agencies around the world to spy on journalists, political dissidents and others. FinFisher (formerly part of the UK based Gamma Group International until late 2013) is a German (...)

Des sociétés allemandes vendent sans licence des technologies de surveillance à des régimes ennemis des droits humains - 7 septembre 2014
Du Mexique au Mozambique et ailleurs, les preuves abondent aujourd’hui du recours par les gouvernements de toute la planète aux technologies de surveillance de masse comme FinFisher pour espionner leurs concitoyens. Cela a amené les chercheurs et défenseurs des droits comme à nous à étudier la source : qui fabrique ces (...)

Pakistan is a FinFisher customer, leak confirms - 6 septembre 2014
In the first week of this month, someone hacked into the servers of FinFisher, the notorious surveillance software maker, which was reported to have two command and control servers inside Pakistan last year. The hackers got hold of whatever they could find on the server and leaked it as a torrent. The 40Gb torrent (...)

Pakistan : une enquête sur les logiciels espions de FinFisher - 6 septembre 2014
Au début du mois d’août, un expert en informatique anonyme a piraté les serveurs de FinFisher, le fameux développeur de logiciels de surveillance. Le(s) pirate(s) a copié toutes les données qu’il a pu trouver sur les serveurs pour les diffuser en ligne via un lien Torrent. Ce fichier de 40 Go contient l’ensemble des (...)

EFF to Ethiopia : Illegal Wiretapping Is Illegal, Even for Governments - 20 août 2014
Earlier this week, EFF told the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia that Ethiopia must be held accountable for its illegal wiretapping of an American citizen. Foreign governments simply do not have a get-out-of-court-free card when they commit serious felonies in America against Americans. This case (...)

Exploiting privacy : Surveillance companies pushing zero-day exploits - 10 mars 2014
Private surveillance companies selling some of the most intrusive surveillance systems available today are in the business of purchasing security vulnerabilities of widely-used software, and bundling it together with their own intrusion products to provide their customers unprecedented access to a target’s computer (...)