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Au Poste #15 avec Olivier Tesquet, auteur d’« État d’urgence technologique (...) - - 13 avril 2021
Depuis plus de 10 ans, l’homme-machine Olivier Tesquet traque nos traces, et le joyeux capitalisme de surveillance. On l’a convoqué #AuPoste. Il est resté près de deux heures et demi, passionnantes, et glaçantes. Tesquet parle comme son livre « État d’urgence technologique » (Premier Parallèle) se déguste : avec précision (...)

China’s ‘Sharp Eyes’ Program Aims to Surveil 100% of Public Space - 5 mars 2021
The program turns neighbors into agents of the surveillance state One of China’s largest and most pervasive surveillance networks got its start in a small county about seven hours north of Shanghai. In 2013, the local government in Pingyi County began installing tens of thousands of security cameras across urban (...)

Facial recognition tech stories and rights harms from around the world - 2 mars 2021
From Delhi to Detroit, Budapest to Bogota, Facial Recognition Technology (FRT) is being rapidly deployed in public and private spaces across the world. As of 2019, 64 out of 176 countries were using facial recognition surveillance systems. In the US alone, more than 50 percent of all American adults were in a (...)

Facial recognition tech stories and rights harms from around the world - 12 février 2021
A new report by the International Network of Civil Liberties Organisations looks at the use and abuse of facial recognition technology by states across the globe, providing detailed case studies from the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe. From Delhi to Detroit, Budapest to Bogota, Facial Recognition (...)

Le marché des caméras-piétons attire les lobbyistes - 14 décembre 2020
Alors que le ministère de l’intérieur a publié mi-novembre un appel d’offres pour 30 000 caméras-piétons, les gros bras du secteur, à l’image d’Axon ou Axis Communication, tentent de se positionner sur ce marché à 15 millions d’euros. Un dispositif prévu par la très contestée loi sécurité globale. un côté, Frédéric Veaux, (...)

Huawei Reportedly Tested a ‘Uighur Alarm’ to Track Chinese Ethnic Minorities With Facial Recognition - 9 décembre 2020
The system also identifies information such as age and sex Chinese tech giants Huawei and Megvii have allegedly tested software that could identify Uighurs, an ethnic minority in China, according to a new report from the Washington Post and video surveillance trade publication IPVM. The system being tested tried (...)

Schools Are Buying Up Surveillance Technology to Fight COVID-19 - 9 septembre 2020
But will it actually prevent an outbreak ? Fayette County Public Schools, a 24-school district in Georgia, reopened its classroom doors last month. As at many schools around the country, officials in Fayette have concerns about safely bringing students back to school amid a pandemic—and they’re turning to (...)

The Facial Recognition Industry Promises to Regulate Itself. Sure, Okay. - 23 août 2020
Members of the industry group proposing ethics guidelines have broken those guidelines already While American cities and Congress weigh whether facial recognition technology has a place in the U.S., the world’s largest facial recognition companies are trying to get out ahead of legislation by publishing a new set (...)

The Global Expansion of AI Surveillance - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - 30 mars 2020
A growing number of states are deploying advanced AI surveillance tools to monitor, track, and surveil citizens. Carnegie’s new index explores how different countries are going about this. Executive Summary Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is rapidly proliferating around the world. Startling developments (...)

Reconnaissance faciale, fichage généralisé et géolocalisation à notre insu débarquent en France | StreetPress - 23 janvier 2020
Photos, vidéos, messageries (même chiffrées), géoloc… Que vous le vouliez ou non, bientôt les policiers et gendarmes pourront fouiller votre téléphone pendant les gardes à vue. Enquête sur un système de surveillance à la frontière de la légalité. Milipol. Sept lettres bien connue du marché de la sécurité. Chaque année, ce (...)

The Rise — And Rise — Of Mass Surveillance - 30 décembre 2019
Eavesdropping bureaucrats have been replaced by algorithm-driven facial recognition technology. But the real impact of indiscriminate surveillance may be in our minds. We live in a world where school cameras monitor children’s emotions, countries collect people’s DNA en masse, and no digital communication seems (...)

One Month, 500,000 Face Scans : How China Is Using A.I. to Profile a Minority - 14 avril 2019
In a major ethical leap for the tech world, Chinese start-ups have built algorithms that the government uses to track members of a largely Muslim minority group. The Chinese government has drawn wide international condemnation for its harsh crackdown on ethnic Muslims in its western region, including holding as (...)

Cameras Linked to Chinese Government Stir Alarm in U.K. Parliament - 9 avril 2019
It is a Chinese state-owned company that is implicated in disturbing human rights violations. But that has not stopped Hikvision from gaining a major foothold in the United Kingdom. Through a network of corporate partners, the Hangzhou-based security firm has supplied its surveillance cameras for use on the (...)

Beijing’s Big Brother Tech Needs African Faces - 20 août 2018
Zimbabwe is signing up for China’s surveillance state, but its citizens will pay the price. Daily life in China is gated by security technology, from the body scanners and X-ray machines at every urban metro station to the demand for ID numbers on social media platforms so that dangerous speech can be traced and (...)

Sleepy pupils in the picture at high-tech Chinese school - 18 mai 2018
High school students in one Chinese school may want to think twice before dozing off in class. Artificially intelligent cameras with facial recognition tools will be watching. The Hangzhou No. 11 Middle School has installed a "smart classroom behavior management system" , which captures students’ expressions and (...)

Dans un collège chinois, la reconnaissance faciale pour identifier des élèves somnolants - 18 mai 2018
Un collège de la ville d’Hangzou, capitale de la province de Zhejiang en Chine, a installé des caméras capables de repérer les élèves s’endormant, rapporte Reuters. Le pays utilise de plus en plus ce type d’intelligence artificielle pour surveiller des lieux publics, devenant un élément du quotidien dans certaines villes. (...)

Quand l’actu singe Black Mirror - 11 janvier 2018
Lorsqu’il s’est penché sur l’actualité des GAFAM, comme il le fait souvent pour préparer ses BD, l’ami Gee n’a pas pu s’empêcher de trouver des similitudes entre certaines informations et une série d’anticipation fort populaire"¦ Il vous livre le résumé d’une saison malheureusement bien (...)

Hikvision et Milestone s’associent pour fournir des solutions de sécurité à des centaines d’écoles de Montréal - 30 mai 2014
Hikvision USA, un leader nord-américain dans la technologie de surveillance vidéo, ainsi que Milestone Systems, un leader dans l’industrie des logiciels de gestion vidéo (LGV) IP de plate-forme libre, ont annoncé l’implantation réussie d’un projet de grande envergure qui vise à fournir des environnements sécuritaires à (...)