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Tunisian police are using drones and Facebook to doxx LGBTQ protesters - 22 avril 2021
Law enforcement unions have leveraged technology to harass minorities and discredit demonstrations demanding economic and social reform The worst attacks against Rania Amdouni began in February. The 26-year-old human rights activist and artist had been on the front lines of a new wave of protests in Tunisia for (...)

Modération en ligne : des ONG appellent le Parlement européen à rejeter le règlement contre les contenus terroristes - 26 mars 2021
Une soixantaine d’organisations de défense des droits de l’homme estiment que le texte, qui doit être débattu le mois prochain, menace la liberté d’expression, la liberté d’information, le droit à la vie privée et l’Etat de droit. Une soixantaine d’organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) de défense des droits de l’homme, (...)

China’s new vaccine passport could expand the state’s already vast surveillance program - 12 mars 2021
The optional new digital tool will track the vaccination status of citizens entering and leaving China, fueling privacy concerns China has expanded the number of digital tools available to fight the pandemic by debuting the world’s first vaccine passport regime, which will roll out on Monday. Available on the (...)

How Oracle Sells Repression in China - 19 février 2021
In its bid for TikTok, Oracle was supposed to prevent data from being passed to Chinese police. Instead, it’s been marketing its own software for their surveillance work. Police in China’s Liaoning province were sitting on mounds of data collected through invasive means : financial records, travel information, (...)

Amazon’s New CEO Is Shaping How the Military Uses Killer Robots - 5 février 2021
Andy Jassy is a member of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence On July 1, Amazon will have a new CEO. Andy Jassy, who is replacing Jeff Bezos, helped build the company’s cloud business from scratch, cementing its servers as a cornerstone of the internet. But not all of Jassy’s work has been (...)

La France refuse toujours d’interdire les robots tueurs - 4 février 2021
Des robots de plus en plus autonomes, voire capables de prendre la décision de tuer, cela ne relève plus de la science-fiction, nous alerte l’auteur de cette tribune. Pourtant, une dizaine de pays s’opposent toujours à la négociation d’un traité d’interdiction. Dont la France. Stan Brabant est directeur adjoint du Groupe (...)

Contrôles au faciès : six ONG mettent en demeure le gouvernement - 27 janvier 2021
En plein Beauvau de la sécurité, six ONG lancent une action de groupe pour obliger le gouvernement à interdire la discrimination dans les contrôles d’identité, une pratique dénoncée de longue date. Ils sont à la fois l’effet le plus visible et le plus volatil du racisme institutionnel dans la police : les contrôles au (...)

This App Claims It Can Detect ’Trustworthiness.’ It Can’t - 20 janvier 2021
Experts say an algorithm can’t determine whether you can be trusted by analyzing your face or voice. But that’s not stopping this company from trying. “Determine how trustworthy a person is in just one minute.” That’s the pitch from DeepScore, a Tokyo-based company that spent last week marketing its facial and voice (...)

Facebook and Twitter Face International Scrutiny After Trump Ban - 15 janvier 2021
Human rights groups and activists have spent years urging the companies to do more to remove content that encouraged violence. LONDON — In Sri Lanka and Myanmar, Facebook kept up posts that it had been warned contributed to violence. In India, activists have urged the company to combat posts by political figures (...)

Inside China’s unexpected quest to protect data privacy - 4 janvier 2021
A new privacy law would look a lot like Europe’s GDPR—but will it restrict state surveillance ? Late in the summer of 2016, Xu Yuyu received a call that promised to change her life. Her college entrance examination scores, she was told, had won her admission to the English department of the Nanjing University of (...)

China : Big Data Program Targets Xinjiang’s Muslims - 30 décembre 2020
Leaked List of Over 2,000 Detainees Demonstrates Automated Repression (New York) – A big data program for policing in China’s Xinjiang region arbitrarily selects Turkic Muslims for possible detention, Human Rights Watch said today. A leaked list of over 2,000 detainees from Aksu prefecture provided to Human Rights (...)

Saudi Arabia ramps up surveillance at holiest sites - 17 novembre 2020
A new government app threatens Mecca’s undocumented residents Aziz Ali Naeem first came to Mecca in 1948 to perform Hajj, a pilgrimage that is compulsory for all able Muslims once in their lives. Within days of his arrival, he decided he was not going back home to Hyderabad in newly independent India. Although (...)

Un général accusé d’avoir couvert des actes de torture brigue la présidence d’Interpol - 12 novembre 2020
Inspecteur général de la police des Émirats arabes unis, Ahmed Nasser Al-Raisi est, pour le moment, le seul candidat connu à la tête de l’agence mondiale basée à Lyon. Deux britanniques, dont l’un a accepté de témoigner pour Mediacités, l’accusent d’avoir fermé les yeux sur des actes de torture dont ils disent avoir été (...)

Interview : Don’t Fear the Machines, Fear the People Running Them - 2 novembre 2020
What Happens When You Take The ‘Human’ Out Of Human Rights ? Governments worldwide increasingly use automation to deliver social welfare programs to people. They claim automation helps speed up the delivery of welfare support. But losing human input can spell danger for people’s livelihoods. As new research shows, (...)

How the Tech-Driven Overhaul of the UK’s Social Security System Worsens Poverty - 2 novembre 2020
How the Tech-Driven Overhaul of the UK’s Social Security System Worsens Poverty “Janet R.,” 35, a single mother who works at a college student advice center in London, suddenly found herself on the verge of financial ruin. On January 31, 2020, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), the United Kingdom’s ministry (...)

De l’automatisation de la précarité - 2 novembre 2020
Les calculs des prestations sociales tendent désormais partout à s’automatiser – et ce d’autant plus que leurs calculs sont souvent complexes, dépendant de multiples règles, lois, cas et spécificités. Au Royaume-Uni, l’ONG Human Rights Watch (@hrw) s’est penché sur les modalités de calcul des prestations sociales et les (...)

Data Leviathan : China’s Burgeoning Surveillance State - 22 octobre 2020
Classical totalitarianism, in which the state controls all institutions and most aspects of public life, largely died with the Soviet Union, apart from a few holdouts such as North Korea. The Chinese Communist Party retained a state monopoly in the political realm but allowed a significant private economy to (...)

China : Police ‘Big Data’ Systems Violate Privacy, Target Dissent - 21 octobre 2020
Automated Systems Track People Authorities Claim ‘Threatening’ (New York) – The Chinese government should stop building big data policing platforms that aggregate and analyze massive amounts of citizens’ personal information, Human Rights Watch said today. This abusive “Police Cloud” system is designed to track and (...)

Big Tech’s Heavy Hand Around the Globe - 12 septembre 2020
Facebook and Google’s dominance of developing-world markets has had catastrophic effects. US regulators should take note. Billions of people around the world have come to rely on the services Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google provide to exercise their basic human rights. But for many people, both within and (...)

Surveillance of minority Muslims in southern Thailand is powered by Chinese-style tech - 1er juillet 2020
Mandatory biometric registration has left many Malay Muslims distrustful of the state and concerned about how new technologies will impact their lives When Arief’s cell phone service was cut off, it came as no surprise. He had refused to visit the local branch of his mobile provider and give his fingerprints and a (...)