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Nortel Networks

Inside China’s unexpected quest to protect data privacy - 4 janvier 2021
A new privacy law would look a lot like Europe’s GDPR—but will it restrict state surveillance ? Late in the summer of 2016, Xu Yuyu received a call that promised to change her life. Her college entrance examination scores, she was told, had won her admission to the English department of the Nanjing University of (...)

Podcast : Want consumer privacy ? Try China - 28 août 2020
Forget the idea that China doesn’t care about privacy—its citizens will soon have much greater consumer privacy protections than Americans. The narrative in the US that the Chinese don’t care about data privacy is simply misguided. It’s true that the Chinese government has built a sophisticated surveillance apparatus (...)

The U.S. Government’s Secret Plans to Spy for American Corporations - 5 septembre 2014
Throughout the last year, the U.S. government has repeatedly insisted that it does not engage in economic and industrial espionage, in an effort to distinguish its own spying from China’s infiltrations of Google, Nortel, and other corporate targets. So critical is this denial to the U.S. government that last (...)

What if patent fees for Android cost as much as licensing Windows Phone ? - 10 juillet 2011
Microsoft will be happy, because either way it will win the fight for the smartphone market - because Google isn’t taking anything away in the corporate server market Microsoft is reportedly demanding $15 per Android handset sold by Samsung - and has other Android handset makers in its sights as it tries to (...)

Google veut se prémunir des attaques pour violation de brevet - 4 mai 2011
Le groupe américain Google, a annoncé, lundi 4 avril, qu’il avait fait une offre de 900 millions de dollars (634 millions d’euros) pour acquérir "le portefeuille de brevets du groupe de technologie canadien Nortel dans le cadre d’enchères liées à sa faillite". Google entend ainsi se protéger contre des poursuites (...)

Google Bids $900 Million for Nortel Patent Assets - 6 avril 2011
Google has bid $900 million for the patent portfolio of Nortel Networks, the Canadian telecom equipment maker, as part of a strategy to defend itself against patent litigation. The bid, which could grow even larger in Nortel’s bankruptcy auction, would be the third-largest purchase by Google, smaller only than its (...)

Google mobilise 900 millions de dollars pour acheter des milliers de brevets - 6 avril 2011
Face à des géants de l’industrie high-tech, Google a choisi de sortir le chéquier. Le géant américain de la recherche a proposé de racheter les brevets détenus par l’entreprise canadienne Nortel pour 900 millions de dollars. Cette acquisition, si elle se concrétise, vise à préserver Google d’une éventuelle plainte pour (...)