Hundreds of Google Employees Unionize, Culminating Years of Activism - 4 janvier 2021
The creation of the union, a rarity in Silicon Valley, follows years of increasing outspokenness by Google workers. Executives have struggled to handle the change.
OAKLAND, Calif. — More than 225 Google engineers and other workers have formed a union, the group revealed on Monday, capping years of growing activism (...)
We’re Google Workers. And We’re Forming a Union - 4 janvier 2021
Our company’s motto used to be “Don’t be evil.” An organized work force will help us live up to it.
On Nov. 1, 2018, at 11:10 a.m., some 20,000 Google employees, along with employees of Waymo, Verily and other Alphabet companies, stopped working and walked off the job in cities around the world. A week earlier, The (...)
Des salariés de Google créent un syndicat après des mois de tensions internes - 4 janvier 2021
Ce syndicat, un des tout premiers au sein d’un fleuron de la Silicon Valley, ne s’occupera pas que des questions liées aux salaires et conditions de travail mais aussi des problématiques éthiques.
En raison de divergences avec leur direction qui se multiplient, des salariés de Google ont annoncé, lundi 4 janvier, créer (...)
GM’s Cruise to begin testing unmanned self-driving vehicles this year - 27 octobre 2020
Key Points
Cruise, a majority-owned subsidiary of GM, plans to begin testing unmanned autonomous vehicles by the end of this year in San Francisco.
The company received a permit from the California Department of Motor Vehicles to remove the human backup drivers from its self-driving cars.
Other companies to (...)
Waymo opens driverless robo-taxi service to the public in Phoenix - 27 octobre 2020
Waymo on Thursday will relaunch and expand its fully automated, robo-taxi ride hailing service in Phoenix, rebooting its effort to transform years of autonomous vehicle research into a revenue-producing business.
Waymo, the self-driving vehicle technology unit of Google parent Alphabet, Inc GOOGL.O, said it will (...)
Is reCaptcha Training Robocars ? - 7 octobre 2020
By now, only the most naive consumer would think that a massive, ubiquitous tech conglomerate would collect billions of precious, human-generated data and somehow fail to find a good use for it. So when (...)
Nuro obtient le permis du California DMV pour tester ses véhicules de livraison sans conducteur - 28 avril 2020
Mardi 7 avril, le Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) en Californie a autorisé la start-up technologique autonome Nuro, fondée par deux anciens ingénieurs de Google, à tester deux véhicules de livraison sans conducteur dans neuf villes.
Au milieu de la pandémie du COVID-19, les entreprises américaines qui livrent des (...)
Nuro gets the green light to test driverless delivery robots in California - The Verge - 28 avril 2020
The company is only the second to receive permission from the safety-conscious state
Nuro, the self-driving startup founded by two ex-Google engineers, was approved to test its driverless delivery robots on public roads in California. The company is the second to receive a driverless permit in the state.
Nuro, (...)
Analyse : Le manque à gagner de 1 milliard de dollars de Google révèle-t-il un modèle commercial imparfait ? - 6 mai 2019
La capacité de Google à dépasser sa baisse apparemment irréversible du revenu par clic a faibli montre son dernier rapport trimestriel, car l’entreprise a manqué la cible de ses revenus prévus d’un milliard de dollars. S’agit-il là d’une faille importante dans son modèle d’affaires ? Le bénéfice du premier trimestre (...)
Self-Driving Uber Car Kills Pedestrian in Arizona, Where Robots Roam - 19 mars 2018
SAN FRANCISCO — Arizona officials saw opportunity when Uber and other companies began testing driverless cars a few years ago. Promising to keep oversight light, they invited the companies to test their robotic vehicles on the state’s roads.
Then on Sunday night, an autonomous car operated by Uber — and with an (...)
Les voitures autonomes et les défis des cartes - 9 mars 2018
Encore quelques années et les voitures autonomes deviendront une norme sur nos routes. Sauf que Google Maps et GPS ne suffiront pas : les voitures autonomes requièrent des cartographies extrêmement précises pour pouvoir circuler. Qui dessinera ces cartes du futur ?
Pas de doute là -dessus : les voitures autonomes vont (...)
Nobody Wants to Let Google Win the War for Maps All Over Again - 22 février 2018
Self-driving cars need painfully detailed data on every inch of street. Can automakers solve the problem without the reigning superpower of maps ?
On any given day, there could be a half dozen autonomous cars mapping the same street corner in Silicon Valley. These cars, each from a different company, are all (...)
Uber stole trade secrets, bribed foreign officials and spied on rivals, filing says - 18 décembre 2017
Document by former Uber security manager details company’s alleged "˜unethical, unlawful’ practices amid legal battle with self-driving car company Waymo
Uber allegedly engaged in a range of "unethical and unlawful intelligence collections" , including the theft of competitive trade secrets, bribery of foreign (...)
Espionnage, hacking, usurpation d’identité : on en sait plus sur le cabinet noir d’Uber - 18 décembre 2017
Le cabinet noir d’Uber, dont un ancien salarié a révélé l’identité fin novembre, se livrait selon lui à de multiples activités. Surveillance, hacking ou encore usurpation au sein de la concurrence auraient permis au service de VTC d’obtenir des informations stratégiques.
À en croire Richard Jacobs, ancien spécialiste de la (...)
Uber stole trade secrets, bribed foreign officials and spied on rivals, filing says - 16 décembre 2017
Document by former Uber security manager details company’s alleged "˜unethical, unlawful’ practices amid legal battle with self-driving car company Waymo
Uber allegedly engaged in a range of "unethical and unlawful intelligence collections" , including the theft of competitive trade secrets, bribery of foreign (...)