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Facebook allows advertisers to target children interested in smoking, alcohol and weight loss - 28 avril 2021
Social media giant gave organisation behind a page for Australian 13- to 17-year-olds option to run alcohol, smoking and gambling ads for as little as $3 Facebook is allowing businesses to advertise to children as young as 13 who express an interest in smoking, extreme weight loss and gambling for as little as (...)

Des outils existent déjà contre l’alternative aux cookies proposée par Google - 28 avril 2021
Pour remplacer les cookies tiers, Google propose une nouvelle technologie appelée FLoC. Bien qu’elle soit plus respectueuse de la vie privée (tout en permettant les expériences publicitaires personnalisées), elle est loin de faire l’unanimité. Aujourd’hui, les cookies tiers sont considérés comme l’un des fléaux (...)

Am I FLoCed ? - 20 avril 2021
Google is testing FLoC on Chrome users worldwide. Find out if you’re one of them. Google is running a Chrome "origin trial" to test out an experimental new tracking feature called Federated Learning of Cohorts (aka "FLoC"). According to Google, the trial currently affects 0.5% of users in selected regions, (...)

Australie : un tribunal sanctionne Google en matière de collecte des données - 16 avril 2021
La Cour fédérale australienne a tranché en faveur du régulateur australien de la concurrence, qui reprochait à Google de tromper les usagers d’Android. Une décision de la justice australienne pourrait coûter plusieurs millions de dollars à Google. Le 16 avril, la Cour fédérale d’Australie a considéré que la firme de (...)

Financing Border Wars - 10 avril 2021
The border industry, its financiers and human rights This report seeks to explore and highlight the extent of today’s global border security industry, by focusing on the most important geographical markets—Australia, Europe, USA—listing the human rights violations and risks involved in each sector of the industry, (...)

Google Is Testing Its Controversial New Ad Targeting Tech in Millions of Browsers. Here’s What We Know. - 3 avril 2021
Today, Google launched an “origin trial” of Federated Learning of Cohorts (aka FLoC), its experimental new technology for targeting ads. A switch has silently been flipped in millions of instances of Google Chrome : those browsers will begin sorting their users into groups based on behavior, then sharing group (...)

China-based hackers used Facebook to target Uighurs abroad with malware - 27 mars 2021
Company says hackers used malware to infect devices and enable surveillance after setting up fake profiles to build trust Facebook has blocked a group of hackers in China who used the platform to target Uighurs living abroad with links to malware that would infect their devices and enable surveillance. The (...)

Facial recognition tech stories and rights harms from around the world - 2 mars 2021
From Delhi to Detroit, Budapest to Bogota, Facial Recognition Technology (FRT) is being rapidly deployed in public and private spaces across the world. As of 2019, 64 out of 176 countries were using facial recognition surveillance systems. In the US alone, more than 50 percent of all American adults were in a (...)

An Australia With No Google ? The Bitter Fight Behind a Drastic Threat - 26 février 2021
The big tech platforms are facing a challenge unlike any other as Australia moves to make them pay for news. SYDNEY, Australia — In a major escalation, Google threatened on Friday to make its search engine unavailable in Australia if the government approved legislation that would force tech companies to pay for (...)

Facebook reverses ban on news pages in Australia - 25 février 2021
Facebook has announced it will restore news content to its users in Australia. The tech giant has blocked news to Australians on its platform since last Thursday amid a dispute over a proposed law which would force it and Google to pay news publishers for content. Australian Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said (...)

Facebook va restaurer les contenus d’actualité en Australie - 23 février 2021
Le gouvernement a accepté d’amender la loi, décriée par Google et Facebook, visant à contraindre les géants de la tech à rémunérer les médias pour la reprise de leurs contenus. Facebook a fait marche arrière. Le réseau social a annoncé, mardi 23 février, la levée « dans les prochains jours » du blocage en Australie des (...)

Facebook’s botched Australia news ban hits health departments, charities and its own pages - 21 février 2021
Social media company’s ban on sharing news has also affected dozens of government, not-for-profit and community pages The Bureau of Meteorology, state health departments, the Western Australian opposition leader, charities and Facebook itself are among those to have been hit by Facebook’s ban on news in Australia. (...)

Facebook’s Australia news ban is the best decision it’s ever made - 20 février 2021
Facebook and Google are giant advertising platforms, not tenets of an open web. It’s time to start treating them as such Facebook did the right thing. Its decision to ban all Australian media organisations from its platform has been derided as a brazen act of censorship. It isn’t. For too long Facebook founder and (...)

Australie : Facebook bloque le partage d’articles, y compris pour les services de secours et de santé - 18 février 2021
Le groupe californien dénonce ainsi un projet de loi voulant forcer les plates-formes à rémunérer les médias pour la reprise de leurs contenus. Google a cédé. Facebook, lui, met ses menaces à exécution. Le géant des réseaux sociaux a restreint le partage d’articles et de vidéos d’information en Australie, en représailles à (...)

Facial recognition tech stories and rights harms from around the world - 12 février 2021
A new report by the International Network of Civil Liberties Organisations looks at the use and abuse of facial recognition technology by states across the globe, providing detailed case studies from the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe. From Delhi to Detroit, Budapest to Bogota, Facial Recognition (...)

Google menace de bloquer son moteur de recherche en Australie - 24 janvier 2021
Le gouvernement australien travaille sur un « code de conduite contraignant », qui prévoit des pénalités de plusieurs millions d’euros en cas d’infraction et vise le « fil d’actualité » de Facebook et les recherches sur Google. Google a menacé, vendredi 22 janvier, d’interdire aux internautes australiens l’utilisation de son (...)

Facebook claims it does not conduct business in Australia in Cambridge Analytica appeal - 19 janvier 2021
Social media company aims to avoid liability over Cambridge Analytica scandal by arguing it does not collect or hold data in Australia Facebook is claiming it does not conduct business in Australia and does not collect and hold data in the country in its effort to avoid liability over the Cambridge Analytica (...)

Facebook Is Developing A Tool To Summarize News Articles - 15 décembre 2020
"We all get the privilege of seeing the future because we are making it.” Facebook told employees on Tuesday that it’s developing a tool to summarize news articles so users won’t have to read them. It also laid out early plans for a neural sensor to detect people’s thoughts and translate them into action. Those (...)

What is robodebt ? When was it introduced and what did it do ? - 11 décembre 2020
There are many questions about the government’s controversial robodebt scheme. Let’s start with what it actually is. Robodebt is the common name given to the Online Compliance Intervention, an automated debt recovery program that was introduced by the federal government in mid-2016. The robodebt system was (...)

Robodebt class action : Coalition agrees to pay $1.2bn to settle lawsuit - 11 décembre 2020
Some 400,000 Australians will share $112m in extra compensation, lawyers say The Australian government has agreed to a $1.2bn settlement for a class action brought on behalf of hundreds of thousands of robodebt victims. In a deal struck the day a federal court trial was set to begin, 400,000 people will share in (...)