Why COVID-19 vaccine "passports" threaten human rights - 30 avril 2021
As the global COVID-19 vaccine rollout gains momentum, governments from Bahrain to Denmark are clamoring to implement measures to help the world return to pre-virus normality. This includes exploring digital vaccine certificates — or COVID-19 vaccine “passports” — that would record and authenticate a person’s (...)
Campagnes de dissuasion massive, par Antoine Pécoud & Julia Van Dessel - 27 avril 2021
Pour contraindre à l’immobilité les candidats à la migration, jugés indésirables, les gouvernements occidentaux ne se contentent pas depuis les années 1990 de militariser leurs frontières et de durcir leur législation. Aux stratégies répressives s’ajoutent des méthodes d’apparence plus consensuelle : les campagnes (...)
Travail à la demande - 27 avril 2021
Livraison de repas à domicile, voitures avec chauffeur, participation rémunérée à des sondages : "l’économie des petits boulots" ou "gig economy" génère un chiffre d’affaires planétaire de 5 000 milliards de dollars, en constante expansion. Des États-Unis au Nigeria, de la France à la Chine, un voyage à la rencontre des (...)
Dear Spotify : don’t manipulate our emotions for profit - 26 avril 2021
UPDATE : On April 15, 2021, Spotify replied to Access Now’s letter. In its response, Spotify states that the company “has never implemented the technology described in the patent in any of our products and we have no plans to do so.” While Access Now is pleased to hear that Spotify has no current plans to deploy the (...)
EU urged to ban AI tools that detect gender, sexuality - 26 avril 2021
Draft EU rules include curbs on AI technology like facial recognition, but not on systems that detect gender, sexuality, race or disability
April 16 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - A cross-party group of European lawmakers called on Friday for an EU ban on artificial intelligence (AI) systems that detect and label (...)
Automatic gender recognition tech is dangerous, say campaigners : it’s time to ban it - 16 avril 2021
Simplistic gender binaries infringe on the right to self-expression
Dangers posed by facial recognition like mass surveillance and mistaken identity have been widely discussed in recent years. But digital rights groups say an equally insidious use case is currently sneaking under the radar : using the same (...)
France’s police bill : surveillance for the long haul - 15 avril 2021
The French government seems not to be interested in tackling systemic police violence. Instead, one of the most defining features of Macron’s first term as France’s head of state lies in the fast-paced expansion of state surveillance powers. A case in point is Parliament’s impending adoption of the “Bill on Global (...)
The new lawsuit that shows facial recognition is officially a civil rights issue - 14 avril 2021
Robert Williams, who was wrongfully arrested because of a faulty facial recognition match, is asking for the technology to be banned.
On January 9, 2020, Detroit police drove to the suburb of Farmington Hill and arrested Robert Williams in his driveway while his wife and young daughters looked on. Williams, a (...)
Che cos’è il “femminismo dei dati” e perché Bologna è una città apripista - 14 avril 2021
Bologna pubblicherà dati di genere e adotterà indicatori di impatto di genere fin dalla programmazione di attività e spesa. Altre città seguiranno l’esempio per portare in Italia il "data feminism" che considera i dati come dispositivo di potere dai quali quindi partire per ridurre le diseguaglianze
Secondo le (...)
Facebook’s Algorithm Practices Gender Discrimination - 12 avril 2021
A University of Southern California study provides still more evidence that the company’s ad targeting illegally discriminates.
New research from a team at the University of Southern California provides further evidence that Facebook’s advertising system is discriminatory, showing that the algorithm used to target (...)
Facebook’s ad algorithms are still excluding women from seeing jobs - 12 avril 2021
Its ad-delivery system is excluding women from opportunities without regard to their qualifications. That would be illegal under US employment law.
Facebook is withholding certain job ads from women because of their gender, according to the latest audit of its ad service.
The audit, conducted by independent (...)
Coded Bias : Algorithmes et discrimination - 11 avril 2021
Ce documentaire enquête sur les biais algorithmiques dévoilés par la découverte de failles dans la reconnaissance faciale par Joy Buolamwini, chercheuse au MIT Media Lab.
Europeans can’t talk about racist AI systems. They lack the words. - 11 avril 2021
In Europe, several automated systems, either planned or operational, actively contribute to entrenching racism. But European civil society literally lacks the words to address the issue.
In February, El Confidencial revealed that Renfe, the Spanish railways operator, published a public tender for a system of (...)
Clearview AI Offered Thousands Of Cops Free Trials - 9 avril 2021
A BuzzFeed News investigation has found that employees at law enforcement agencies across the US ran thousands of Clearview AI facial recognition searches — often without the knowledge of the public or even their own departments.
A controversial facial recognition tool designed for policing has been quietly (...)
Ban Automated Recognition of Gender and Sexual Orientation - 7 avril 2021
Automated recognition of gender and sexual orientation is scientifically flawed and puts LGBT+ lives at risk. The European Union has the opportunity to ban this technology and prevent such tools from being exported around the world.
A growing number of governments and companies use artificial intelligence (AI) (...)
Threats in the usage of facial recognition technologies for authenticating transgender identities - 3 avril 2021
Our partner Coding Rights summarise the findings of their research on the impact of facial recognition on trans people.
Key points
SERPRO is the main provider of Facial Recognition technologies to the Brazilian government. It is a public company with access to the database of all Brazilians drivers licenses, (...)
Analysis : Digital vaccine certificates – global patchwork, little transparency - 3 avril 2021
A global debate has sparked around the idea of implementing a digital infrastructure to prove a person’s COVID-19 vaccination status across borders. But as the initiatives multiply across Europe and all over the globe, an international consensus is hard to reach — and issues still abound.
With COVID-19 vaccination (...)
Les bénéficiaires du RSA ciblés par des contrôles intensifiés - 2 avril 2021
L’Alsace s’illustre par son suivi zélé des bénéficiaires du RSA, avec le « RSA contre bénévolat » et des contrôles de relevés bancaires. Des Alsaciens témoignent de ces procédés plus stricts que par le passé.
Janvier 2021 : Jacques (tous les prénoms ont été changés), jeune diplômé bénéficiaire du Revenu de solidarité (RSA), (...)
3G Could End This Year. For People Who Rely on Basic Phones, That’s a Big Problem. - 27 mars 2021
Some rural residents, religious communities, and people who just like simple phones are still reliant on the vanishing network
Over the years, Mia Lipsit has innovated a number of tech workarounds to avoid buying a smartphone : She’s hacked her Kindle Fire to download Google Play (so she can use the Whole Foods (...)
Sommes-nous protégés des algorithmes qu’utilisent les administrations publiques ? - 21 mars 2021
Lorsque les algorithmes sont sur le devant de la scène médiatique, la lumière est souvent mise sur les conséquences de leur utilisation par le secteur privé, à l’image de ceux qui régissent les réseaux sociaux. Pourtant, parmi les algorithmes impactant nos vies, la généralisation des algorithmes d’aide à la prise de (...)