Des outils existent déjà contre l’alternative aux cookies proposée par Google - 28 avril 2021
Pour remplacer les cookies tiers, Google propose une nouvelle technologie appelée FLoC. Bien qu’elle soit plus respectueuse de la vie privée (tout en permettant les expériences publicitaires personnalisées), elle est loin de faire l’unanimité.
Aujourd’hui, les cookies tiers sont considérés comme l’un des fléaux (...)
Am I FLoCed ? - 20 avril 2021
Google is testing FLoC on Chrome users worldwide. Find out if you’re one of them.
Google is running a Chrome "origin trial" to test out an experimental new tracking feature called Federated Learning of Cohorts (aka "FLoC"). According to Google, the trial currently affects 0.5% of users in selected regions, (...)
Google Is Testing Its Controversial New Ad Targeting Tech in Millions of Browsers. Here’s What We Know. - 3 avril 2021
Today, Google launched an “origin trial” of Federated Learning of Cohorts (aka FLoC), its experimental new technology for targeting ads. A switch has silently been flipped in millions of instances of Google Chrome : those browsers will begin sorting their users into groups based on behavior, then sharing group (...)
How beauty filters took over social media - 3 avril 2021
The most widespread use of augmented reality isn’t in gaming : it’s the face filters on social media. The result ? A mass experiment on girls and young women.
Veronica started using filters to edit pictures of herself on social media when she was 14 years old. She remembers everyone in her middle school being (...)
Anime Is Booming. So Why Are Animators Living in Poverty ? - 3 mars 2021
The workers who make the Japanese shows the world is binge-watching can earn as little as $200 a month. Many wonder how much longer they can endure it.
TOKYO — Business has never been better for Japanese anime. And that is exactly why Tetsuya Akutsu is thinking about calling it quits.
When Mr. Akutsu became an (...)
Derrière vos animes préférés, des petites mains se tuent pour une misère - 3 mars 2021
Un « travail-passion » parfois rémunéré moins de 200 euros par mois, malgré l’élan du secteur.
Quiconque est abonné à Netflix ou Amazon Prime Video n’aura pas manqué de noter à quel point les animes asiatiques sont devenus d’importants produits d’appel pour un public de plus en plus large.
Ce n’est d’ailleurs ni par hasard ni (...)
This App Claims It Can Detect ’Trustworthiness.’ It Can’t - 20 janvier 2021
Experts say an algorithm can’t determine whether you can be trusted by analyzing your face or voice. But that’s not stopping this company from trying.
“Determine how trustworthy a person is in just one minute.” That’s the pitch from DeepScore, a Tokyo-based company that spent last week marketing its facial and voice (...)
Amazon first - 29 novembre 2020
Je dois vous confesser une fascination, celle que j’éprouve envers Amazon et son PDG Jeff Bezos depuis des années. Une fascination qui s’est construite au fil du temps, depuis ma première commande sur le site marchand jusqu’à mes interrogations sur ce méga-empire. Même encore aujourd’hui, alors que je me suis complètement (...)
Le télétravail industriel en attendant les miracles de la robotique - 6 septembre 2020
Chaque jour, Anicet Mbida nous fait découvrir une innovation qui pourrait bien changer notre façon de consommer. Ce lundi, direction le Japon dans les chaines de supermarché FamiliMart, où on ne verra plus d’employés faire le réassort dans les rayons. Il serait désormais réalisé par des robots spéciaux, pilotés à distance (...)
Japanese AI startup hits $1bn market cap on revenue of $3m - 29 août 2020
TOKYO — A Japanese artificial intelligence startup that had its IPO last week has exceeded $1 billion in market capitalization, even though it has yet to build a solid earnings track record, in a sign that shows an overheating stock market.
On Wednesday, Tokyo-based Neural Pocket surged 21% to its daily limit of (...)
Bulle spéculative autour de l’intelligence artificielle au Japon - 29 août 2020
La start-up japonaise Neural Pocket, qui a développé un algorithme de reconnaissance d’images, vient de faire son entrée en Bourse. Elle démarre juste, elle perd de l’argent, et pourtant elle vaut déjà l’équivalent de 837 millions d’euros. Un exemple parmi d’autres.
Une bulle spéculative est-elle en train de se former dans (...)
From Japan to Brazil and South Africa : how countries’ ‘data cultures’ shape their response to coronavirus - 13 août 2020
Since March, The Correspondent has been tracking how countries are using surveillance technology to respond to the spread of the coronavirus. We’ve already documented how governments have turned to contact-tracing apps, telecom tracking and self-assessment apps to curb the spread of the virus. But it’s clear that (...)
Coronavirus : The great contact-tracing apps mystery - 22 juillet 2020
Germany and Ireland have both trumpeted their success in rolling out contact-tracing apps.
But is there any evidence that they are doing what they are designed to do - warning people they could be infected with the virus ?
Not yet - and the privacy-conscious way in which they are designed could mean we will (...)
La nouvelle guerre du GPS et ses risques - 5 juillet 2020
La manipulation des services de navigation par satellite est désormais utilisée à grande échelle. La Russie, notamment, qui en a fait une priorité, met en danger la navigation civile par des actions de brouillage.
Analyse. Naviguer le long des côtes de la Syrie, au large des bases russes de Lattaquié, Khmeimim et (...)
From RealPlayer to Toshiba, Tech Companies Cash in on the Facial Recognition Gold Rush - 2 juin 2020
At least 45 companies now advertise real-time facial recognition
More than a decade before Spotify, and years before iTunes, there was RealPlayer, the first mainstream solution to playing and streaming media to a PC. Launched in 1995, within five years RealPlayer claimed a staggering 95 million users.
But it was (...)
Een snelle uitweg uit de lockdown ? Niet met een app - 1er juin 2020
Het ene land na het andere land beloofde dit voorjaar een app om coronabesmettingen op te sporen. Maar in de praktijk schiet de technologie nog tekort. Daarom, terug van weggeweest : het vertrouwde, handmatige contactonderzoek.
Toen Sam Aldridge voor het eerst hoorde over een app die nagaat met wie je allemaal in (...)
We were told technology would end Covid-19 lockdowns, but the truth is there’s no app for that - 1er juin 2020
In many countries, contact-tracing apps were presented as a precondition to end lockdowns. But our Track(ed) Together investigation reveals that many countries are struggling with the technology, turning instead to less high-tech solutions.
Sam Aldridge was sceptical when she first heard about Australia’s (...)
The five : robots helping to tackle coronavirus - 1er juin 2020
Automatons have been chipping in with the effort to beat Covid, from disinfecting hospitals to delivering groceries
Boston Dynamics
Singapore park-goers have been reminded of their social distancing obligations by Boston Dynamics’ yellow “dog”. The robot hound is equipped with numerous cameras and sensors, which it (...)
The smart city as time-space cartographer in COVID-19 control : the South Korean strategy and democratic control of surveillance technology - 28 mai 2020
While the US, UK, France, Italy, and many other countries ended up implementing complete lockdown after tens of thousands of deaths from COVID-19, South Korea kept factories and offices running, flattened the curve, and maintained a low mortality rate. Extensive media coverage has focused on South Korea’s testing (...)
A flood of coronavirus apps are tracking us. Now it’s time to keep track of them. - 7 mai 2020
There’s a deluge of apps that detect your covid-19 exposure, often with little transparency. Our Covid Tracing Tracker project will document them.
As the covid-19 pandemic rages, technologists everywhere have been rushing to build apps, services, and systems for contact tracing : identifying and notifying all (...)