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Quand la grande distribution fait de l’or avec vos données - 17 avril 2021
Avec l’explosion du e-commerce et des programmes fidélités, les enseignes de la grande distribution disposent d’une masse de données sur leurs clients qu’elles pourraient monétiser. "Etes-vous intéressé par notre carte de fidélité ?" Qui n’a jamais entendu cette banale phrase lancée par l’hôtesse ou l’hôte de caisse au (...)

How Oracle Sells Repression in China - 19 février 2021
In its bid for TikTok, Oracle was supposed to prevent data from being passed to Chinese police. Instead, it’s been marketing its own software for their surveillance work. Police in China’s Liaoning province were sitting on mounds of data collected through invasive means : financial records, travel information, (...)

Former FBI Officials Tapped for Amazon’s Security Apparatus - 11 février 2021
As Amazon faces antitrust scrutiny, counterfeiting, and worker activism, the company is staffing up with former FBI agents focused on security and intelligence gathering. Amazon, one of the largest corporations in the world, supplies state-of-the-art facial recognition software to law enforcement agencies, (...)

Coronavirus Is Speeding Up the Amazonification of the Planet - 23 décembre 2020
As restaurants, bars, and local shops close down, platform-based monoliths are vacuuming up customers and jobs There are always parties who profit in times of crisis, and so it goes with our ever-accelerating global pandemic. For toilet paper manufacturers and supermarket chains and, say, a pair of grifter (...)

The Facial Recognition Backlash Is Here - 19 décembre 2020
But will the current bans last ? The facial recognition industry has been quietly working alongside law enforcement, military organizations, and private companies for years, leveraging 40-year old partnerships originally centered around fingerprint databases. But in 2020, the industry faced an unexpected (...)

Walmart and Cruise partner to test autonomous grocery delivery in Arizona - 10 novembre 2020
U.S. retailer Walmart and autonomous vehicle company Cruise are pairing up to test grocery delivery in Scottsdale, Arizona. Under the pilot program, customers will be able to place an order from their local Walmart store and have it delivered via one of Cruise’s autonomous, electric Chevy Bolt cars. While the (...)

Exposing Your Face Isn’t a More Hygienic Way to Pay - 25 septembre 2020
A company called PopID has created an identity-management system that uses face recognition. Their first use case is as a system for in-store, point of sale payments using face recognition as authorization for payment. They are promoting it as a tool for restaurants, claiming that it is pandemic-friendly because (...)

Billionaires 2020 - 13 août 2020
The richest people on Earth are not immune to the coronavirus. As the pandemic tightened its grip on Europe and America, global equity markets imploded, tanking many fortunes. As of March 18, when we finalized this list, Forbes counted 2,095 billionaires, 58 fewer than a year ago and 226 fewer than just 12 days (...)

Amazon accélère vers un monde sans caisses - 20 juillet 2020
Le numéro un du commerce en ligne vient d’annoncer un « chariot express » qui utilise un mélange de capteurs et de caméras pour scanner les articles. Avec ses enseignes Amazon Go ou sa solution « Just Walk Out », il se positionne comme un acteur majeur du paiement sans contact ni délai. Une tendance favorisée par la crise (...)

New Facebook Tool Allows Employers to Suppress “Unionize” in Workplace Chat - 16 juin 2020
During an internal presentation at Facebook on Wednesday, the company debuted features for Facebook Workplace, an intranet-style chat and office collaboration product similar to Slack. On Facebook Workplace, employees see a stream of content similar to a news feed, with automatically generated trending topics (...)

Dès maintenant !, par Serge Halimi - 11 juin 2020
Une fois cette tragédie surmontée, tout recommencera-t-il comme avant ? Depuis trente ans, chaque crise a nourri l’espérance déraisonnable d’un retour à la raison, d’une prise de conscience, d’un coup d’arrêt. On a cru au confinement puis à l’inversion d’une dynamique sociopolitique dont chacun aurait enfin mesuré les impasses (...)

Walmart Employees Are Out to Show Its Anti-Shoplifting AI Doesn’t Work - 2 juin 2020
The retailer denies there is any widespread issue with the software, but a group expressed frustration—and public health concerns. In January, my coworker received a peculiar email. The message, which she forwarded to me, was from a handful of corporate Walmart employees calling themselves the “Concerned Home (...)

Amazon Angles to Grab Back Customers - 31 mai 2020
After losing some online shoppers to rivals during the pandemic, the retail giant is turning back to faster shipping times and big sales. As millions more Americans turned to online shopping during the pandemic, Amazon struggled to keep up with the demand, and its rivals pounced. Target’s online sales shot up 141 (...)

Americans Keep Clicking to Buy, Minting New Online Shopping Winners - 15 mai 2020
Online sales in the United States have surged since the middle of March, when shelter-in-place measures shuttered brick-and-mortar stores throughout the country. While the shutdowns immediately altered how people spent their money, the patterns have continued to shift as the weeks have gone on, new data shows, (...)

Coronavirus Essential Workers at Amazon, Walmart to Strike - 2 mai 2020
An unprecedented coalition of workers from some of America’s largest companies will strike on Friday. Workers from Amazon, Instacart, Whole Foods, Walmart, Target, and FedEx are slated to walk out on work, citing what they say is their employers’ record profits at the expense of workers’ health and safety during the (...)

Pourquoi Facebook investit 7,5 milliards de dollars en Inde - 23 avril 2020
La maison-mère des réseaux WhatsApp et Facebook achète 10 % de Jio, filiale du groupe indien Reliance Industries, présente dans les télécoms et bientôt dans l’e-commerce. Facebook investit 7,5 milliards de dollars (6,9 milliards d’euros) pour prendre 10 % de Jio Platforms Limited, une filiale du conglomérat indien (...)

Amazon-owned Whole Foods is quietly tracking its employees with a heat map tool that ranks which stores are most at risk of unionizing - 21 avril 2020
Stores’ risk scores are based on more than two dozen metrics, including racial diversity, employee turnover, and "tipline" calls. Amazon-owned Whole Foods is tracking and scoring stores it deems at risk of unionizing, according to five people with knowledge of the effort and internal documents viewed by Business (...)

Here’s the File Clearview AI Has Been Keeping on Me, and Probably on You Too - VICE - 29 février 2020
We used the California Consumer Privacy Act to see what information the controversial facial recognition company has collected on me. After a recent, extensive, and rather withering bout of bad press, the facial recognition company Clearview AI has changed its homepage, which now touts all the things it says its (...)

Faut-il changer de mentalité pour changer les paramètres des logiciels de planification des horaires des employés ? | - 24 janvier 2020
Les logiciels de planification des horaires des employés sont très courants dans la distribution et la restauration notamment (aux États-Unis, ces logiciels impactent la vie de 16 millions de personnes qui travaillent dans la distribution et 12 dans la restauration). Ils ajustent les heures de travail en prévoyant (...)

Why Today’s Shopping Sucks | Washington Monthly - 24 janvier 2020
The rise of on-demand scheduling has made the shopping experience—and workers’ lives—miserable. Shoppers hate waiting. If they’ve made the effort to go shop at a brick-and-mortar store, rather than stay home and order something online, they hate not finding what they’re looking for. They hate not finding assistance. (...)